ATM Pandemonium

ATM Pandemonium


A warning to any Corkonians: if you're a bit short on the aul grade walking up North Main street or any other of our revamped boulevards do not under any circumstances attempt to withdraw cash from a machine that looks like it has been ripped out of the wall of the nearest bank.

Most banks already assume we're a bit thick with our money. They drag Corkonians into insane mortgage repayments, loans for stuff we don't really want, present us with confusing bank statements and distract us with free pens and flas but a new low in consumer confidence was evident on North Maina recently.


As safe as it might seem to insert your card into a machine that:

1. Does not show anything on the screen.
2. Does not appear to have any power whatsoever.
3. Is not located within a building or attached to one.
4. Has large wires hanging out of it and has a cardboard box on top of it.
5. Is sliding slowly towards to the road.

