Beating Berlusconi

Beating Berlusconi! is a one man comedy show covering forty years, forty characters and the greatest football night ever. 

An irreverent scouser’s comic odyssey climaxes in the true story of the Liverpool fan who ended up sitting next to the Italian PM at the Champions’ League Final in 2005. Beating Berlusconi! is a laughter and tears tale of one man’s attempt to rediscover his belief in himself, his club, his city and his class.


To win a pair of tickets for the show on Sunday May 5th: just email with "Beating Berlusconi" in the subject line along with your name, mobile number and approximate location. 

Starring Paul Duckworth

'You don’t have to be a Red to join in the glee ….wit, anger, pride, pity. Duckworth is terrific' – The Times

'A show with balls, in more ways than one' - The Guardian

