Cloud Seeding Test Success

The first recorded cloud seeding took place off the Cork coast beginning at 4.30am this morning in an attempt to bring out the summer. We commandeered a small light aircraft at Cork Airport and filled it with tanks of highly compressed silver iodine.

Pana earlier: This has not been photoshopped. Swear't'God'like.

Beginning at Cork Habour and flying south west along the coast to Beara we spent four hours spraying fluffy dark rain clouds with the chemical to induce rain. We also gave them the middle finger and roared "Up the Rebels!" as we squirted the glittery liquid from on high.

If you look closely you can see the bricks on the Crawford melting

Almost all the rain fell at sea so when Corkonians woke up this morning (Friday) all they saw were blue skies and a large yellow ball to the east emanating heat.

Although we have to receive confirmation from Spanish climatologists it is believed that this object is, in fact, the sun. In fairness it has been a while since we lamped it.

Somone put factor 30 on Father Mathew quick!

Several pasty white Corkonians have already been brought to the Reee-jin-ill after spending up to 90 seconds under the blue skies at 8am with temperates rocketing/soaring/melting to a blazing 22 degrees along coats and even warmer inland. 

The white glare above the Northside is not cloud but the 
reflective glow from pale scobes out drinking cider in the sun.
