Fianna Fail Skidmarks at County Hall

Fianna Fáil Skidmarks at County Hall

The shenanigans of Fianna Fáil councillors in the County Hall last Monday were the latest disgrace to show the party is not interested in governing the country. Pouting because unionised staff refused to deal with councillors from the government party, its delegates walked out of the council chamber when the issue was not discussed immediately.

It is not believed to be related to a bout of diarrhoea as first rumoured although it is widley known that Fianna Fáil are said to be 'shitting' the next election.

One would have thought the presence of RTE cameras would be a deterrent to an already hammered Fianna Fáil but publicity hungry councillors desperate for re-election were drawn to the Dublin broadcasters' gaze and marched out of the chamber only to return soon after to discuss the item.

FG's Derry Canty described Fianna Fáil's actions as 'bullshit'. The legger was not diarrhoea related.

Like the Republic of Ireland soccer team's non-attendance at the World Cup, Fianna Fáil have to come to terms that they are not going to be in the next government. Instead of pathetically playing the victim in front of Dublin's TV cameras they'd do well to just defend their own patch and get on with serving their county and country with dignity.

Although a possibly unwise precedent by the union, nobody really gives a shite if councillors from Fianna Fáil were treated differently to others by staff. They'll certainly be treated differently when they knock on doors at the next election - perhaps the swift and sudden exit was a trial run for what's to come.

Watch out for the skidmarks.

Cllr. Dan Joe Fitzgerald
Cllr. Kevin O’Keeffe
Cllr. Frank O’Flynn
Cllr. Dan Fleming
Cllr. Aindrias Moynihan
Cllr. Mike Donegan
Cllr. Seamus McGrath
Cllr. Patrick Gerard Murphy
Cllr. Alan Coleman
Cllr. Donal O’Rourke
Cllr. Christy O’Sullivan
Cllr. Danny Crowley


