Best Flag Support Ever

We're delighted to say that we are seeing the biggest display of support for any team of any code or colour in well over ten years. Whether the hurlers win, lose or draw Cork pride has been reignited by JBM and his team. 

These are our Top 20 but in truth Blackpool Shopping Centre has to be seen in the flesh to be believed - as it's Pat Horgan's stomping ground it's undoubtedly the epicentre of support.

Bad photo but Blackpool Shopping Centre and nearby Dunnes wins hands down


The unintended Kilkenny colours cancelled out by the flags on South Main Street


Ag tacaíocht na leaids!


Bargain Books on Pana


Two Cork flags replace the usual Canadian flags


By Sunday Le Chateau will be mainly flags


The Real Roches Stores


Are y'aright there for leather or Cork flags?




Going appropriately over the top


We'll know all about the big bang theory on Sunday


Morley's on Daunt Square - former winners of our flag competition


No sour grapes: The o2 Store looking fairly 'chilled out'. 


The Old Mill on Castle Street


Opera Lane


Phelan's Late NIght'a on Pana. Always good for supporting our footballers and hurlers.


The Rock Centre on Blarney Street as taken from North Mall





Ulster Says Go


Seamo's on South Main'a



Sweeny's on Oliver Plunkett'a




A brilliant effort at O'Flynn's on Withrop'a


Victor Franks on Marlboro Street...'a



