Gallery Update - Machu Picchu, Peru

Gallery Update - Machu Picchu
with Comrade Noel O'Mahony

Comrade Noel O'Mahony becomes the first person in the world to climb the famous Machu Picchu in Peru by actually tunnelling up through the mountain. Trust a Corkonian to come up with something different eh?

The Innishannon inhabitant looks remarkably lively here after a five day laborious journey through thick mud and dense rock - all of which he bore through with his bare hands and teeth. Dont' half make 'em tough out that way...

Although mildly impressed by one of the oldest civilisations in the world Noel is thinking what we are all thinking - tiz not a patch on Gouganbarra in fairness.

Douglas beour Aoife is over come by emotion and as Noel's t-shirt begins to mysteriously lift the fog around the mountain. This miracle performing feature has been included with all new PRC t-shirts since late last year.

After a neat out-of-sight dump behind a few rocks Noel gives Aoife an indication of the size of his enormous deposit. Dowtcha kid!

If you want to send us some of your amazing journeys reprazentin' da motherland email us at

To see the rest of the photos in our gallery click here
