Henrys: The Ultimate Breakdown

Sir Henrys: The Ultimate BreakdownAlan GerPiece by piece Henrys is being broken down - last week the real demolition got underway as the diggers moved in to demolish a part of Cork's history. Being compared to the Talibans' demolition of Buddha statues in Afghanistan in 2001 this demolition was carried out while a small prayer group gathered on South Main St.

Several youths had to restrained by security guards as the diggers toppled the top floors of the building and the area known as the 'main room'. It is believed the youths may have been hopeful of reclaiming thousands of lost yokes that fell between floorboards in the clubs hay day. Described by life long Henry's fan Mickey Biscuits as 'the ultimate breakdown' it now looks like the chances of the long term residents DJs Greg O'Shea and Stevie G returning to play 'wan last choon' in the venue have finally diminished to zero.

Over the next week Cork Tourist board will be marketing the site to dance music tourists. Many ravers who were in their prime in the eighties are now married with grown up children and are well past package holidays to Ibiza and are looking for holidays that have both historical and personal interest. Buses of British and yanky old fogies on their way to Blarney Castle will now stop off at Grand Parade for a walk around "ground zero". In tune with other tourist attractions like Cork Gaol each punter will be given a walkman with a recorded guided tour featuring tracks from the Best of '92. A new book entitled "Sir Henrys: The Ultimate Breakdown - tears from the rubble" will be launched this week at ground zero to commemorate the club. Peoples Republic Of Cork has received an advance copy of the book and can reveal that it is full of startling revelations including a brand new theory on who the old guy in Henrys really was (and no he wasn't D.S.), the definitive answer to whether or not Henrys did really collect Kurt Cobain's wee wee when he went for a slash there, a section on UCC biologists who discovered a new lifeform in the toilets after it closed down. To see these pics in full size and more click here
