Home & Away Stars' Wishes Granted

Home & Away Stars Get Their Wish
Comrade Flor Rahilly

"You know we belong together. You and I forever and ever. No matter where you are. You're my guiding STAR."

Peoples Republic of Cork Comrades Flor Rahilly and Danny Murphy brought their star to the set of Australian soap Home and Away to explain to the influential actors about the benefits of Cork independence and how this will be contribute to world peace and harmony through the three-step Cork philosophy of gatting, hurling and good tunes.

Alf Stewart: the lucky bugger
Danny Murphy, Irene Roberts and Flor Rahilly

Himself one of the Republic's finest exponents of the musical note, Comrade Flor Rahilly is well known as part of outstanding indie/alternative outfit Stanley Super 800.

Taking a brief break from the band's musical escapades, the bass player managed to set aside some time to tour Australia educating influential members of society about the People's Republic of Cork.

Leah from the diner receives the message
June Rahilly, Cassie and Flor

As you can tell from the photos the soap stars were delighted that Flor, Danny and June were able to pencil in some valuable minutes from their hectic diplomatic tour to pose for personal photos with the lucky actors.

As if the whistle stop sojourn down-under wasn't manic enough, Flor returns to the Republic with the news that Super Stanley 800 have been nominated for the Choice Music Award which could net them 10 grand and an even more valuable publicity endorsement. Cork awaits the outcome with baited (and well minted) breath.
No rest for the chosen ones.

Summer Bay: not quite Myrtleville but it's all they've got
Super Stanley 800

Click here to visit their PROC Music page and listen to samples from their album

The awards will take place in Vicar Street on Wed Feb 27th 2008. The band will be announcing live dates and tv appearances from their website shortly
