How to Start Your Own Bank

Peoples Republic Of Cork Guide to Banks

People with slash hooks can be very frightening. People with shirts and ties can be very friendly. However, danger is in the eye of the beholder - the fellah with the slash hook walking towards you on a country road is just looking for a bowl on a Sunday morning* and isn't going to rob you of everything you have. The smiling gentleman in the suit sitting behind a desk waffling about a "no-strings-attached" loan could well wreck your life in a way a slash hook expert couldn't even dream of.

Yes even in the beautiful People's Republic of Cork these langers have made their way in so rather than protesting to your local bank manager who couldn't give two hoots what you think we propose you start your own bank. After all look how much money you could earn! Don't worry because even if you get it wrong you could accidentally end up making '
