Human Resources: The Induction Course

Human Resources

by Alan Ger

Getting a job in a Human Resource department must surely be the best move any feen could make if he's looking for job security. HR departments surround themselves with frighteningly complex corporate waffle about how crucial their positions are to the operation of the company,. Even company directors can be afraid to get into discussions with them allowing HR departments to effectively barricade themselves into the company for life.

There are of course lots of big industrial pharmaceutical and electronic multi-national corporations here in Cork. While having a great reputation for providing well paid jobs to Cork's population any new worker joining one of these large companies must under-go a company "induction" provided by a chirpy HR beor whose sole aim is to completely brain wash all the newbies with company philosophy.

While this tactic might work well at company headquarters in Texas us Corkonians have our feet placed almost too firmly on the ground to seriously absorb any of the bullshit thrust at us by the puppets in their Irish divisions' HR departments. Here's what you can expect if you haven't been on one before'
