It's the JBM Way

Isn’t it fantastic to be heading for the semi-final in Croker this Sunday in the knowledge that for the first time since 2006 we are going with a very good chance of making the All-Ireland final?

Although we have to rib the Dubs as often as possible (it is our duty as Corkonians), it is actually a good thing that hurling is becoming strong in Dublin albeit aided by a manager from Munster. Ideally we wouldn’t like it to blossom too soon though – in our humble opinion they should take another year or two to consolidate their Leinster final win while we side step into a date with Limerick or the Banner.  

Clare man and Dublin bainisteoir, Anthony Daly, is also an annoyingly likeable character which is in stark contrast to the less palatable contemporary managing his home county. Unhelpfully, Dublin, while undoubtedly a very physical team don’t bear any of the frustrating cynicism that Kilkenny have brought to the game in recent years.

Tough love

So we could do with a little bit of distain on our way to Croke Park in the same way we went to Thurles with a bit of a chip on our shoulders two weeks ago.

Supreme fitness levels, silky skills and deft tactical moves are standard issue in August so hurling matches at this level often hinge on players’ mind sets on the day - the general animosity for our rivals Kilkenny was more than enough to have JBM’s troops’ on high alert from the throw-in so fans like us will be hoping Cork’s beautifully skilled hurlers can really turn it on in the slightly less familiar environs of GAA headquarters. 

While nobody enjoyed losing to the Dublin footballers last Saturday night, the Dubs, as well as being hot favourites, didn’t look too hot themselves which seemed to make it a bit easier to take for Rebel fans. Had the Dubs slaughtered Conor Counihan’s men then cries for furious revenge would be ringing louder this week on Leeside.

In JBM we trust.

Instead the motivation and excitement for Cork fans, and no doubt players, is much simpler this weekend. In an interview after the Kilkenny game selector Seanie McGrath mentioned that JBM continually lays huge emphasis on playing one’s own game and not overly worrying about what the opposition is going to do

The lift that getting to the All Ireland final would give to the city and county would be huge so, as JBM teaches, let’s focus on positive things about ourselves that we can control rather than on the opposition. And in fairness in Cork we’re pretty good at focussing on the positives about Cork!

That might mean getting up a bit early and making your own sandwiches on Sunday morning rather than worrying about where you’re going to get something to eat in Dublin or how much the Dubs will be trying to screw you for the privilege.

And if you’re worried about where you’re going to get a pint of Murphy’s or Beamish up in Dublin you can always pack a few Cork brewed cans and ‘bring your own game’ to the Dubs.

Don’t concern yourself with where the closest petrol station is to Croke Park. Focus on your own performance: fill up to the max on Leeside before you leave the county thus keeping your hard earned Cork dosh in the Rebel county.

Or if you’re taking the train just make sure you get down to Kent in plenty time for the big trip north. If the train is delayed then don’t worry about that. Just sit there, gat on and enjoy the ride.

In JBM we trust. Rebels Abú.
