Jazz Filth


Jazz Filth

The lusty appeal of a cheese burger, bag of garlic chips or a slice of pizza after leaving one of the city's drinking emporiums is irresistible. And magic.

It can often replace that alcohol fuelled lust for the opposite sex - quashing gob-lobbing instincts that go hand-in-hand with 'last call'. Half an hour later on the street outside when the scent of frying food tickles your nose hairs 'getting the ride' is instantly replaced by 'getting the chips'.

Now the only breast you're wagging tongue wants to suckle on is in a bun and its not doing its job right unless there's condiment all over your lower face when you're done. This is the late-night culinary money shot. Sure, your wan in the pub was manky anyway.

Photos from Sunday night/Monday morning: outside Boyle Sports on South Main St.
On this corner there are three fast food outlets in a row.

When you've climaxed outside Hillbilly's, Burger King, Speedy Gonzalez, Abrakebabra, Subway, Fast Al's or Hoggys etc the endorphins being pumped into your brain may cause your limbs to buckle thus discarding everything in your grasp including the previously warm items in hand.

What was, just a few moments earlier, a convenient receptacle for everything you desired has now been miraculously transformed into something unwanted.

It's rubbish.

Yes, local businesses pay rates to city council and part of this covers some poor langer getting up at 6am to go around and pick up your gank. In the rain.

Overflowing bin next to Diesel
Bin full outside Fast Al's

But respect Cork and find a bin. If the one nearest you is rammed then find a bin that isn't full or bring it back into the place you bought it fromand let them deal with it. And if you see somebody gleefully lobbing their gank on the ground you've got full permission to ask them to pick it up. If you're bigger than them then the threat of violence may help.

The rates excuse don't let the city's businesses off the hook either. Householders pay rates too but if a bag of rubbish or recycling bursts open on the path outside your gaf you're not going to wait for officialdom to come and pick up the mess. You go out and keep your place tidy.

Hoggy's and Speedy Gonzalez
Subway further down the street

How long would it take for one staff member from any fast food outlet to step outside and fill two black bin bags with the remnants of their products before they lock up for the night? Especially when they see that the bins are full. With the electric pace that those hard working staff bang out burgers, probably less than ten minutes. After all business owners have just made a tidy sum from the litter that now makes the city look so awful.

These pictures were taken at 7am on the Monday of the Cork Jazz Festival and shows South Main Street (or more accurately 'Paradise Place') where Fast Al's, Speedy Gonzalez and Hoggy's reside. In the coming weeks, especially for Christmas when the city should be looking spick and span, we hope that all fast food outlets would engage with the city and ensure the area outside their businesses are clean.

We love your burgers. Please love our city!
