Langer Enterprises Official T-shirt

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'What's the line of business?', we hear you ask. A question all shareholders will want straight answers for. Well, here are the top ten things Langer Enterprises will become a market leader in.....

10. The Importation of Langur Monkeys for use as pets

9. PR company whose sole function is to highlight the enormity of the Corkonian penis

8. Cork based travel agent that only books holidays at Bernhard Langer’s Spanish mansion

7. A holding company for the proceeds of Neil Prendeville’s work

6. A company dedicated to trying to get German TV presenter Natalie Langer to move to Cork

5. A new brewery that emphasises drinking irresponsibly

4. An educational company providing online classes in acting the langer

3. Producers of large chocolate bars

2. Company that collects IMRO-like royalties every time the word ‘langer’ is used in a song

1. A bank that acts like all the other ones but actually admits that it is run by langers

