‘Naval Display’ To Hide Cork Rebellion?

Sources close to the Irish Army high command say that Ireland’s top generals have ordered all troops and the Irish Navy to be ready for move by Cork to breakaway from the Irish Republic over the weekend.

Fears have grown in Dublin after army officials became suspicious that a scheduled charity day entitled “Cork Independence Day” on October 16th followed by a massive naval display in Cork harbour by foreign forces this weekend may in fact be clever cover for an actual revolution resulting in a new nation.  

Cork submarine the L.E. Mayfield patrols the mouth of Cork Harbour by Roches Point

“We fear this may be a cute-hoor way of gaining independence”, said an Irish army source, “a so-called ‘naval display’ on the same week that a supposedly spoof independence day occurs is very suspicious. If Cork suddenly declares independence it has the backing of a huge foreign naval fleet in its own harbour – we wouldn’t have a chance.”

It remains to be seen what will happen over the weekend in Cobh when the “naval display” takes place but security sources in Dublin fear that the Irish Navy are being duped into believing the arrival of heavily foreign vessels is for an apparent harmless “display” and will not become hostile.

L.E. FAIL: The Irish Navy crash into a pontoon in Cobh - see the video here
There is expected to be little credible resistance if independence is declared this weekend.  

Top brass in the People’s Republic of Cork Revolutionary Council remain tight lipped.

“I not sayin’ nawtin’ to no’wan ‘bout nawtin’”, said a spokesperson, “ ’cept we gotta lotta foreign buddies comin’ over for the weekend bah and there’s gonna be sum parteee!”

For more information on Cork Rebel Week and the Naval Display
