New T-shirts in PROC Webstore

New T-shirts in PROC Webstore

In most Garda station holding rooms you'll find 21 year old scobes, with there tracksuit pants tucked into their socks talking about the first time they saw Carl Cox in Henrys.

There are even younger Goths in Bishop Lucey Park waiting for Mummy to pick them up in the family Volvo, explaining the set they saw when Nirvana play on the main stage. But those who were there are happy in the knowledge....they were there, you know who you are.

Everybody, move your body! Click here to buy...

Well, there's your mam, your nan, your auntie Angela, your sisters etc. You love all of them, but in a very different way to the intention on this t shirt. Unless you're from Tipperary of course, where it is a legal requirement to marry your cousin. Let the ol' doll's of the Rebel County know, you gotta lot of here to buy
'Gwan Ya Langer' literally means 'go away from me, you langer'. Commonly heard when a Corkonian is ballhopped, insulted or humoured.

Scrabble will never be the same again though. We're not entirely sure of the score you'll knock up for this one, but people will be very impressed by your lingual dexterity. Fancy pants. click here to buy

