Paddys Day Photos 2004

Paddys Day Parade 2003 - De Photos

Alan Ger

Its a sure sign of global warming when Cork gets two sunny Paddy's Days in a row. Not a single drop of rain for the entire parade again this year ensured pharmacies and sales of Uni-Flu didn't soar again this year. Knowing our luck next year it'll probably be snowing!

Not only did the weather hold off but the standard of the floats in the parade also managed to make a marked improvement on last year with many of the community arts groups pulling some entertaining puppets, floats and costumes out of the bag.

Although naturally enough as the parade was in the "jurisdiction" of Cork Corporation (aka Cork City Council) there had to be some cock up with the first batch of people dressed in Irish army and navy costumes making their way down Grand Parade. Having past promptly smallies and their parents had to stall the beans for another 13 minutes before the next float arrived containing Dublin puppet Dustin the Turkey. After this and for the next 60 minutes it must be said that the flow remained steady.

The Dublin puppet, along with his arch rival Socky waved to non-chalant Corkonians who semmed to be slightly offended at the appearance of a Dubliner at the front of the parade. This was added to by Socky who wore a Cork GAA jersey - this would cause the same offence to Dubs if Queen Elizabeth paraded through Dublin in an Irish soccer jersey'
