Pothole of the Month - March 2007
23rd Mar 2007
Pothole of the Month - March 2007 PROC presents The Centre Park Road Creeper
![](/images/articles/PotholeOfTheMonth/March07/Centre_Park_Road_Cork.gif) |
The decision was tough but somebody had to make it and at 0200hrs this morning PROC pothole experts finally left the chamber to announce the winner of the March 2007 Pothole of the Month Competition. Paddy Quain, a lorry driver from Timoleague has been campaigning to have his favourite pothole recognised for over six months, emailing us with weekly updates on the hole's new and ever expanding range of cracks and crevasses.
![](/images/articles/PotholeOfTheMonth/March07/Centre_Park_Road_Cork_from_.gif) |
The judges decision to award the prestigious title was based not so much on the (smaller than average) depth - a mere 5 inches at its lowest point - but more on how impressed they were at the extent at which the original surface crack-turned-pothole had managed to spread itself over an area of about 12 square metres.
See in the pic above how the pothole's tentacles are spread right across the road. One crack extends to the far side of Centre Park Road, almost 8 metres from ground zero.
![](/images/articles/PotholeOfTheMonth/March07/Centre-Park-Road-Cork_middi.gif) |
Our experts estimate that by next winter the pothole will have made it up the entire length of Centre Park Road, down Albert Road, around Albert Quay and into the Sextant for a couple of bottles of cider before surrounding the new Elyssian Tower and consuming it.
![](/images/articles/PotholeOfTheMonth/March07/pothole_closeup.gif) |
The impact on vehicles is acute and deceptively aggressive. The rumbling effect of the outer-crevasses are felt on the steering wheel several seconds before the main impact occurs.
This tell tale sign is referred to by the experts as a 'soft-approach' allowing the driver time to tighten his/her grip on the wheel before the 'root hole' mounts its challenge.
If you have a pot hole you'd like the PROC Pothole experts to assess please email us: editor@peoplesrepublicofcork.com
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