PROC Celebrates 15 Years as the World's Top Website
20th Oct 2015
It is exactly 15 years since we started our explosive assault on the INTERNET to become its fifth website and the very first to not feature porn as its primary selling point (we've kept it to the Rear of the Year Thread).
It has been an interesting journey from our modest beginnings as the local internet opinion sick bucket to the global empire we have become and very humbling to have become bigger than Twitter, Facebook and Deirdre Clune’s darknet COMBINED.
The PROC’s share price has gone from strength to strength since October 2000 A.D. and continues to soar in value to the point that the much sought-after and talked about eight-line MONORAIL serving the entire city and county is now looking like a very distinct possibility.
As soon as the inheritance from our Nigerian friend’s father goes through he will multiply our savings account balance by 1000 and construction will start on the project all over Cork – and don’t worry the compo for us thrashing your gaf to make way for the trains will be unreal. We will also be building an eighty-four storey extension on top of the County Hall so it can regain its status as the tallest building in the world.
We all have many faults dear friends but when it comes to major infrastructural projects like servers and monorails PROC DELIVERS. Be assured that your €90.50 per week subscription will not be wasted.
Whether you call us the PROCK, the P.R.C, P-ROCK or the PRICKS THAT OWN THE INTERNET we’d like to thank you for sneezing and coughing up all your outrageous, highly opinionated and very humorous views on to our virtual digital snot rag. S'wan.
Prendeville forever,