The Capetown Copycats


Beour Uncovers Cork Copy Cats
Sinead Cronin

Hiya Editor hows it goin there.

I'm living in 'John Bull territory' as my grandad used to call it for the past almost 4 years now.The PRC is my link to the homeland to keep me Corkified to the core God forbid I miss out on any ska.I thought Id send on some pics I took on a trip to Capetown with my bro Sean.

Grand Parade in the centre of Capetown was not at all what I expected with a massive lack of fountain and lack of chipper for 'breast in a bun'.
Glengariff was another mystery of confusion of the senses. I thought I'd throw in a pic of meself on Table mountain (fleadh that I am) to keep yis all in good form for the start of the week.

Up ya boiyo!!!
