TV3 The Apprentice in Anti-Cork Shocker
17th Nov 2009
TV3 The Apprentice in Anti-Cork Shocker
Like its license fee guzzling cousin in Dublin 4, TV3 showed that it also can't stomach Cork dominance as The Apprentice star and Cork man Breffny Morgan was sensationally fired by supposed business guru Bill Cullen.
The Dubliner couldn't bring himself to fire Geraldine or Aoife (we know she spells her name with two f's but we're not going to fall for that pretentious rubbish here in Cork) and instead opted to deprive the show of the Harvard graduate.
The Corkman was caught in a trap during the show when fellow team member
Geraldine asked him if she could close a sale for a few boxes of snoring-remedies
in a pharmacy. The kind, well spoken and generous Corkman naively agreed only
to be duped by the sly Dubliner who double crossed the Rebel and backstabbingly
dobbed him into Bill Cullen. Her fakeness almost surpassed by the amount of
botox on the other side of the board room table.
The Dubs, flanked by the two Kerry judges Jackie Lavin and Brian Purcell
rounded on the unfortunate Douglas man who was understandably devastated
to have to leave the show with such bungling inferior talent staying on behind.
Cork's Stephen: a certain winner. |
We suspect however that the show's producers may have instructed Cullen to drop the former Pres boy as having a pair of Leesiders in the last two would be slightly embarrassing for the rest of the country.
Imagine how much a trio of Corkonians dominating the final after-show panel would annoy everyone else with presenter Brendan O'Connor, Breffny Morgan and Stephen Raynor all discussing their greatness. TV3 just couldn't take the risk.
West Cork adoptee Raynor is now the only one flying the flag for the People's Republic and is a sure bet to be the outright winner. The dapper young man, who returned to Cork after years in the UK to look after his grandparents was the only one to receive compliments from Cullen in Monday night's show.
With three cat-fighting twits and a clueless foxy lad left, the Corkman will
have it easy for the rest of the series as long as he keeps his wits about him
and isn't duped by deceiving Dubs or greedy ghouls from Galway.