UCC Maths Dept: Munster Hurling Permutations "Insanely Complicated"

University College Cork Maths genius Professor Sum Lee has been asked to work out all possible permutations in the Munster Hurling Championship. With just one game to go for Cork and several matches still to take place, calculating the possible permutations, even at this late stage, are said to be more complex than the number crunching involved in finding the mysterious Higgs Bosun particle at CERN in Switzerland. 

Cork are currently on just two points after three games and beating Tipperary is essential to have any chance of bagging third place in the table. However, after that, Professor Lee says, “there isn’t a super-computer in the world that could compute all the possible permutations”. 

The professor did offer some advice to Cork players and fans:

“My suggestion, on the back of over 20 years of academic experience, is to just tear the absolute f**k into Tipperary next Sunday and bate them out the gate”   
