Willy Show in New Zealand


Willy Show in New Zealand
Emear O'Connell

Lots of people send us delightful photos of them clad in PROC uniform out foreign. This excites us greatly in several parts of our body.

Sometimes people only send us a few lines about themselves and where they are. Occasionally we get nothing at all except the photos. This time all we have is a name and the words "Ireland Vs AB 10th June 2006" and a name: Emear O'Connell who we will assume is the old doll therein.

All we can take from the picture is that Emear is amused at the minute size of the statue's willy and by association the national average 'size' of the native New Zealander.

The unnamed man in the Munster t-shirt may or may not have something to do with the manner in which this lovely young Cork girl arrived at her judgement. He seems joyously content - perhaps he is simply relishing the indirect compliment he is receiving from Emear.

As we all know: willies are funny - especially when they're on show in public. A bit like farts - they're perpetually amusing. Anyway its good to see Corkonians attending Ireland matches wearing the correct 'national colours'.

Thanks for the photos Emear and keep it Cork.
