Mary Coughlan

The Everyman, MacCurtain St.

Fri 31 Oct 2025 (note: this event has already taken place)

Mary Coughlan is one of Ireland’s greatest ever jazz and blues artists, and is often spoken about in the same breath as singers like Peggy Lee and Billie Holiday.

A prolific artist by anyone’s standards, Coughlan is celebrating 40 years in music this year with a nationwide tour (details below) and new music to be released throughout 2024 – the first of which is ‘More Like Brigid’, an homage to the original Goddess of Imbolc herself, Brigid of Kildare.

Brigid was a pagan and a healer before she was canonized by the Catholic Church. As displayed in the writings of Cogitosus, a monk of Kildare who wrote the oldest extant vita of Saint Brigid, Vita Sanctae Brigidae, around 650 BC, “Brigid’s power expanded beyond the physical realm into the spiritual one, demonstrated by her ability to perform miracles.” There are over thirty miracles mentioned in the scripture, but a few particularly stand out, not least her ability to turn water into ale and the instance in which she “performed an abortion

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