

PROC & Cork Traveller Women's Network & Tom Doig

Grand Parade

With 'The New Normal' and all that drivers v cyclists tension around Cork city centre is there anything to be said for a bit of good old fashion sulky action?!

A sulky is a lightweight cart pulled by a horse, popular with Irish travellers.

We often forget that sulkies are as entitled to be on the road as any vehicle or bike (they don't have engines so you don't need a license).

The text says "Your peck is here subla" which is gammon/cant for 'Your food is ready".

Click here to find out more about Cork Traveller Women's Network

Píosaí eile / Other pieces


Welcome To Cork Dutch

Come On You Girls In Green

Welcome To Cork, Americans

Welcome to Cork, Italians

Welcome to Cork, Poles

Welcome to Cork, Spaniards

Fáilte go Sráid na Blárnan