Elon Musk buys Twitter

The previous Twitter regime had a definite political and PC bias when it came to moderation, Jack admitted to this in the Senate hearings in America but bundle that is some sort a racism rhetoric if you want.

Twitter was always a shitshow it was never a "safe space", just the racists, snuff videos, porn and bots were more under control previously.
Twitter was always a shitshow it was never a "safe space", just the racists, snuff videos, porn and bots were more under control previously.
Even under the previous regime, you had to do A LOT to be kicked off the thing. Most of the Irish racist wingnuts currently on there with their blue ticks, were also mostly free to spout their bile previously. From what I saw, only extremely deranged individuals like Gemma OD were permanently banned. Glad I'm long gone off the thing.
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