The Official Liverpool Thread - Part 2

Nope. No body said that or even thought it would happen.

On t’other hand

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This is the kinda hilarious deluded shite ye’ve been coming out with for years.

“resurgent man utd”. How’d that go?!


And the two boyos liking it just to really rub it in. What they don’t realise is that the 30 years we were so often mocked about will become their own fate and longer, in good time.

And as long as City are pumping money in with no rules to abide by, nobody else might win any league title!
Reckless and selfish of Klopp to stay on this year if he was feeling drained. It has clearly rubbed off on the squad.
Losing the local derby to Everton will hurt. What a damp squib of a send off - far from the quadruple and farewell in Croke park..
Genuine question for the Liverpool fans, do you think it was a good idea from Klopp and the club to announce his departure before the season ended?

They are playing like a group that know the manager won’t be there next season.

I don’t see the benefit in going public early.
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